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Export Control Handbook for Chemicals (2023 edition)

Foto del escritor: CCJCCJ

Actualizado: 27 oct 2023

The Export Control Handbook for Chemicals (2023 edition) contains a list of chemicals, around 2000, subject to export controls (restrictions, or prohibitions under sanctions) because of their inclusion in various EU regulations or the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty. Each chemical is correlated with other data of interest, besides its chemical name:

-CAS number -reference codes -EU legislation of reference -8 digits code (CN code) used for Customs declaration purposes

All together, the handbook allows the users to orient themselves among the collection of export regulations in force, limiting the risk of mistakes and penalties.

Arnes Novau, X. and Sevini, F., Export Control Handbook for Chemicals (2023 edition), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/901636,



Publications Office of the European Union


978-92-68-05692-9 (online) , 978-92-68-05693-6 (print)

1831-9424 (online) , 1018-5593 (print)

EUR 31604 EN , OP KJ-NA-31-604-EN-N (online) , OP KJ-NA-31-604-EN-C (print



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